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Write Blog Posts Liked by Search Engines and Other Stuff

Friday, 20 July 2012 - ,,, No comments

Do you want to write something loved by search engines and human both? Bloggers and webmasters know a lots of ways to rank higher in Google for particular keywords. But ranking well in Google isn't enough, its just an opportunity to you to  get visitors and show your work.

If you don't have quality contents or something  for organic visitors (visitors that come via search engines), any amount of traffic is just useless. To retain those users for maximum time, you must have quality stuff in your blog. You can realize the quality of your contents by looking at retweets, comments on posts, Facebook likes etc.

If your blog/website have a higher rate of bounce rate (i.e. people come and leave your website quickly), then it is just like they did not come to your site. It happens when you are getting a good amount of traffic from search engines but your contents are not better enough to keep the visitors on your blog. Better SEO techniques might rank you on first page, but better Blogging skills will give your articles not only maximum visibility on Google but also love of humans and machines (search engines).

Here are two important steps which will help you to get love from humans and machines, both.

@1- Steps to write lovable articles :

Write at least 500 words long articles. Your articles must be enjoyable, lovable and scannable.

@Research: Its the most important factor. First you need to realize what people are you searching for. You should write accurate and unbiased facts and opinions.
@Presentation: This is what makes your articles look interesting and eye-catching. You need to present your work in the best and interesting way. Use bullet points, sub-headings, pics, infographics instead of writing long paragraphs.
@Editing: Once you are done with writing article. Re-read and edit the entire article. Here you get a chance to fix some serious editing such as rectifying grammar or/and spell mistakes etc.

@2- Making Contents Lovable for Google :

Now its time to get a better rank in Google. You will have to work on it because mere a well written article is not enough to rank you higher in Google. You will have to optimize your article according to latest optimization techniques.

Using Google keyword tool and finding keywords based on your topic is a great idea. You can pick few keywords which having low competition and search between 10,000 - 12,000. Pickup 5,6 keywords from the tool and use it in your article. Dont use these keywords a lots of time in your article i.e. integrate the keywords seamlessly.


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